Jay for US FL05 '24
Moving beyond traditional political lines, we are stronger together.
Jay's campaign is driven by a mission to understand the problems facing our community, and work in Washington to champion REAL solutions. His vision is to create a more prosperous future for all, where every voice is heard and every individual has the opportunity to thrive.
-Politician Florida US Congressional Race Florida House Race Florida District 05 Florida House of Representatives District 5

A Fresh Perspective
Jay, his wife, and their two adult daughters are Florida natives. Following his graduation from the United States Naval Academy, flight training in Pensacola, and designation as a naval aviator, Jay was assigned to several helicopter squadrons in Jacksonville. He served 30 years in the Navy aboard many aircraft carriers including Mayport-based carriers USS FORRESTAL, USS SARATOGA, and USS JOHN F KENNEDY.
As an engineer with experience in both the public and private sectors, in both large and small businesses, Jay is paid to solve problems. His resume includes profit & loss responsibility on large private sector contracts, as well as leadership responsibility over organizations with as many as 1,800 employees.
Jay has also volunteered locally, as board chair of Riverside Avondale Preservation (RAP), a non-profit organization that serves the area as a civic improvement association. Building on the efforts of RAP’s founders, Jay helped the organization create a positive image and helped to foster the neighborhood spirit the area now enjoys.